Sunday, January 29, 2017

Never walk away from a challenge...

Never walk away from a challenge...

I have that happen sometimes. In fact, quite often.

An opportunity presents itself. Somewhat anxiety provoking. I have a way out. I thought about it.

Far too often I took the easy way out. And regretted it.

When you walk away from a challenge, you keep yourself safe. But you don't gain anything from it. Other than insecurity and lack of confidence.

I've always regretted walking away from a challenge. But I'm not naturally a courageous soul. My tendency is to shy away from it. Sometimes I make silly excuses, such as saying I wasn't ready, or that I wanted to get more experience first.

Time and time again, I would realize later that I was fully equipped to handle it. I just needed a push. I just needed to seize the opportunity, and give it a shot.

When you walk away from a challenge, it only adds more doubts to the next time you are faced with the same. It doesn't make you stronger facing it. In fact, it makes you more unsure.

Without even trying, you feel defeated, you feel a loss, you feel you've let yourself down.

When you come across a challenge, don't think too much about it. Force yourself upon it. As long as it is within your skillset, something you are trained to do. Then go for it. Trust your training. Trust your judgement. Trust your abilities.

And come out on top. Or if you stumble, come out better for it. As long as you are careful, and conscientious, and calculated, and work within your minds.

It's not a given that you will be fine. But you will never know unless you try. And if it's an appropriate challenge, you are better off for having accepting it.

Never walk away from a challenge.

You'll just end up walking forever wondering about it.

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