Sunday, January 8, 2017

In 2017, focus on what's important.

New year. Starting point for change. New reflections. Ditching old habits. Forming new ones.

I've spent a lot of time in the past year enriching myself. Career-wise I've made a solid effort to get to where I'm happy with moving forward, perhaps the first time in many years. Socially I've been making new friends and met very wonderful people, many of whom I still have to work harder at getting to know better. Personally I've kept myself active in once again as many sports and activities as I could muster. And for the past few months I've done a lot of reading regarding personal finances and investing, an area which I felt I was majorly weak and borderline ignorant on. All and all I kept my days filled and my calendar busting. All in an effort to grow myself, it seems.

But what's really important? What really counts? It's time to look back at within. My core values, my spirituality, my relationships. It's time to invest a little more back into myself and in the people around me. My family. My many new friends. My continued pursue to rediscover love, again.

It's time to relearn how to love. To be reborn and discover affections and romance on a new slate. As I sit here, waiting for my dearest friends to join me for an early birthday dinner to mark the occasion, I'm once again wondering, when will it happen again. Have I already found it and lost it, never to have it back again? Is it possible, that there can be different forms of it, equally impactful and perhaps even more intense but sustainable. How shall I open up to enable it to find me?

I know not to look, because it is something that is never found, only arrived. Maybe, with the new year of change, maybe I can rediscover the fire again. It's been too long. I might have forgotten how to start it. But may it come knocking with a might, and hit me when I'm not suspecting, and sweep me away.

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