Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Gentle Giants
Monday, July 27, 2009
My little Blue Devil.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Day 1 in Dawson Creek

It's 9:19pm. The Sun is setting. I'm struggling with my wireless internet connection that I'm stealing from around.
It's my first day at Dawson Creek, a medium size Northern BC community and more usually known as the starting point of the Alaska Highway.
It's quite nice here. Very quiet. Lots of time on my hands. There's a Safeway nearby. Walmart slightly further. There's your usual chain restaurants and fast-food chains. There's a small little downtown that tries hard to live up to the classic Alaskan/Gold-rish era architecture. There's a very small creek.
I share a room with a Dentistry student at the Northern Lights College. It's clean and appropriate. It reminds me of the time I stayed at Memorial University campus in Newfoundland, or when I first moved into the Grad House in Toronto.
I'm here in part because I want to try my hands at doing rural medicine. I'll be doing a month of anesthesia/emergency medicine here. Last time I was out rural was in a 3000-people rural community in Springdale, Newfoundland. I'm here also because I needed to get away.
I needed to get away from my restless wandering mind. So that I can refocus my life, so that I can refocus about being a doctor. It's nice what a slow day can achieve for you. Today I did nothing but commute. And during commuting I read almost an entire paper from beginning-to-end, something that I rarely do. I also completed an entire chapter in my Obama book, something that usually takes weeks. And I previewed the anesthesia review chapter for tomorrow. I even took a nap, and went for a run.
So I'm also here to remember what it's like to live a simpler life. It seems there is never enough time for anything back home in Vancouver. Here, it appears that there'll be more time than ever for doing nothing with.
Today on the way here as I passed by Grande Prairie, the first two people I met had nothing Northern-Canadian about them. Or maybe that's what it's like all around Canada. I didn't ask for their names, for I'd rather just remember their faces and their stories. The first was a Somalian cab-driver who's a mother of 8 children and came here with her husband looking for a better life. In the 9 years that they were here, they brought and ran a convenient store and is earning enough to feed the kids and is planning to move into a new house this year. Her oldest son is going to U of C next year, and wants to become a scientist. The second person I met was a Philippino young man who actually lived in Taiwan for 3 years and spoke almost fluent mandarin as he was serving me my lunch at Arby's. He still refers to Taiwan as his home and frequently visits his brother who is married to a taiwanese girl there.
Interesting people, none of which I expected to meet on my first day here up North. There are no stereotypes in Canada. You never know who you're gonna run into next.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Officially stood up for the first time (not intentionally, but the record still stands!)
What a beautiful day to be stood up.
I don't usually agree to being set up, especially on a blind date. The whole notion of agreeing to a formal evening with dating potential always feel artificial and forced. I always believed that the first date should not be a date officially, but only afterwards should you realized, "hey, she was nice, maybe that WAS a date!" Nonetheness, when Wilson blind-sided me last Monday morning when he asked in front of my fellow residents, "Hey! You're single! I got a girl for you!", I foolishly agreed. I thought maybe it's time I act my age and agree to formal evenings with dating potentials.
Besides, he says she's really attractive. With endorsements like that why should I really refuse.
So we picked a beautiful setting for the double date (he and Daisy was going to come for moral support). We decided on the Watermark Restaurant, right in front of the now officially third sexiest beach in the world according to Fodor. The weather was perfect for a dinner at a beachside patio. All day long I apprehensively felt anxious about what I had gotten myself into. Be chatty but not too much, I thought. Be funny but not stupid. Be a gentleman but be natural. It was all somewhat in vain, for I had never believed in being set up and secretly assumed that we would not get along, that I may find her non-compatible, she may find me un-datable, and we would move on our merry ways after I folk over a large amount of money for the dinner.
Still, I told myself to be gentlemanly and even if I knew things wouldn't work in the first minute, to sit through the meal, be sociable, and move on.
I carefully selected my wardrobe. Causal summer-white linen shirt with stylish slim jeans and a matching white belt. I kept it at one-button down at the chest to be modest, but tugged it in to make it more slim-fitting. I sprayed on some Hugo Boss cologne, not too much but enough to be teasing. I donned on my Armani watch that I got from my brother and sister-in-law, and my RayBan-like shades that I got from Lawrence which he found in his apartment when he moved out. I even got there early for a change, and paid 8 dollars in parking at the Kitsilano parking lot. I got to the restaurant and got a nice patio table that's not too hot but not too private. Enough activity to stimulate conversations, I thought, but not too sunny that the girls will be afraid of too much of a tan.
And then I waited. Ice water in my hand, I waited and waited.
Wilson didn't turn his cell phone on initially, so I texted him a message. They must be waiting downstairs, I thought, and so I went downstairs by the beach. And I waited, trying to look happy and calm, I waited.
And then I finally got through to him. Daisy had been sick today, so they had to cancel and he had left me a message earlier this morning (I didn't get the message). He was sorry, but I was actually feeling quite relieved.
Pressure's off. No need to sit through a whole evening if things don't work out. I can even get some more work done tonight that I've been delaying. I'm saved.
To some degree, it was too bad. I would never know what she would be like. Maybe she was the right girl. Maybe she's not but I would have made a nice friend. But I think I'm much more comfortable with getting to know a girl on my own terms before seeing if we have the potential to become a couple. Let things be natural, to me that's the most beautiful of relationships.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Biking to work
Did my first biking to work today! It was not bad, and it didn't take very much longer then if I were to drive. It was quite a treat traveling on the quieter designated biking routes. They were actually quite well thought-out, with clear signs and arrows pointing you out towards where to head to. Compared to my partial trial run yesterday, climbing the initial hill up Heather from marine drive wasn't as bad either. It really felt good biking to work. Felt like I was getting healthier already. Although I was a little sore afterwards, it was a lot of fun. Here are the stats: (each trip).
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Love my bike.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Biking the seawall.
Nice Saturday afternoon. Excited to bike the seawall with my friends. Lawrence said that summer don't seem as special anymore now that we're older and working. We were determined to make it ain't so. Spent the afternoon soaking up the summer sun. Topped it off with some fine foods from Burgoo. Perfect.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Devinci-Norco Half-breed.

It all started with me being very stupid.